Sunday, May 28, 2017

Maacaroun bi kishk recipe

Maacaroun bi kishk

Maacaroun bi kishk combines dough balls cooked in kishk soup! Rich with carbohydrates and proteins, this soup is commonly prepared by dwellers of the elevated mountains during cold winter days. The dough balls are pressed on a fork or a sieve which gives them the pattern of the “sweet maacaroun” and makes them absorb the soup easily. Kawarma is sometimes added to the kishk, hence adding its caloric content of course! In the Soueidah region in Syria, Maacaroun bi kishk is also prepared with slight differences; the dough is cooked in hot water, drained then sprinkled with kishk, olive oil and minced garlic.

Total servings: 4

Caloric content: 400 calories/serving


The maacaroun dough

1 cup of flour

¼ cup of water

A pinch of salt

Kishk soup

1 large onion, finely chopped

4 garlic gloves: 2 chopped and 2 whole

1 Tbsp. of vegetable oil

1 cup pf kishk powder

2 cups of water

Preparation steps:

Maacaroun dough
  1. Mix the flour with salt and water to obtain a dough
  2. Knead well and cut into small pieces
  3. Make balls with the dough pieces
  4. Roll each ball against a fork or a sieve or a grater to give it a patterned texture (like the sweet maacaroun)
  5. Put aside while preparing the kishk soup
Kishk soup
  1. Stir-fry the onion and garlic in the vegetable oil until soft and transparent
  2. Add the kishk and mix with onion and garlic before adding the water
  3. Cook the soup until they boil and add in the maacaroun
  4. Leave on medium fire for 10 mns until the dough is well cooked
  5. Serve hot

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