Monday, May 29, 2017

Molasses cake – Sfouf b debs Recipe

Sfouf b debs

Some like their molasses sfouf plain without any decoration – Akleh community kitchen

Molasses cake or sfouf b debs is an egg-less Lebanese cake made with local carob molasses instead of sugar. Carob molasses (debs el kharroub) is traditionally prepared in Lebanon – in the South mainly – from carob pods: a thick and sweet liquid is extracted from the milled pods soaked in water. Carob molasses is a natural and healthy substitute of chocolate, rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorous, and an important source of iron.

The carob tree Ceratonia silique is an evergreen tree native to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus and found across the Mediterranean.

Total servings: 20

Caloric content: 220 Calories/serving


2 cups of all-purpose flour

2 cups of semolina

4 tbsp. of baking powder

2 cups of carob molasses

½ cup of powdered milk

1 cup of vegetable oil

2 tsp. of anise seeds

1 tsp. of turmeric powder

2 cups of water

2 tbsp. of tahini paste

Sesame seeds and pine seeds for decoration

Preparation Steps:
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
  2. Boil the anise seeds in the water, drain and let the anise water cool
  3. In a big bowl, mix well the dry ingredients (flour, semolina, milk, turmeric and baking powder)
  4. Add the oil and knead well before adding the anise water gradually until the dough becomes soft
  5. Prepare your baking pan by brushing it with the tahini paste
  6. Spread the dough in the pan and decorate it with the sesame or pine seeds
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes
  8. Allow to cool before cutting the sfouf cake into squares

Sfouf b debs
Can you smell the freshly baked sfouf b debs?

Source: The Food Heritage Foundation


  1. Hi...
    Well Done you have posted your great efforts you did to create this content.

  2. I didn't know Molasses can make cake.I will definitely give this recipe a try.


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