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Labenah Dip Recipe

Labenah Dip

The Lebanese Recipes Kitchen
(The home of delicious Lebanese Recipes and Middle Eastern food recipes) invites you to try Labenah Dip Recipe. Enjoy quick and easy Middle Eastern food recipes and learn how to make Labenah Dip. 


1 cup labenah (yogurt cheese)
1 tablespoon red pepper, finely diced
1 tablespoon red onion, finely diced
1 tablespoon tomato, finely diced
2 tablespoon parsley, basil, chopped
1 cucumber, peeled, finely diced
Nachos or toasted bread for serving


- Mix all ingredients in a bowl until well combined.
- Place in a serving plate, serve with Nachos or toasted bread. 

Source: Chef Osama

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1 comment:

  1. That will go so well with Nachos and other chips. I will try this with my homemade pita chips.


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