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Cooking Delicious Lamb Tajine with caramelized onions! So Easy!

Lamb Tajine with caramelized onions


Lamb or goat meat with bones (one kilogram)

Two long peppers, cut (one hundred grams)

Potatoes, cut into big chunks (five hundred grams)

Two tomatoes, diced (two hundred fifty grams)

Five cloves of garlic, sliced (twenty grams)

One tablespoon of fresh rosemary

Half a tablespoon each of salt, paprika, and chili flakes

Black pepper, to taste



Step 1: Marinate the Meat and Vegetables

In a big mixing bowl, add the lamb (or goat) meat with bones, two cut long peppers, five hundred grams of potatoes cut into big chunks, two diced tomatoes, five cloves of sliced garlic, one tablespoon of fresh rosemary, half a tablespoon each of salt, paprika, and chili flakes, and black pepper to taste.

Mix everything together thoroughly.

Cover the bowl and refrigerate for thirty minutes.

Step 2: Prepare the Onions

In a wok or pan over medium heat, add a small amount of vegetable oil.

Add two tablespoons of butter (forty grams).

Once the butter is melted, add two big onions, chopped (four hundred grams).

Sauté the onions until they caramelize, stirring occasionally.

Step 3: Assemble the Tajine

Place half of the fried onion batch at the bottom of the Tajine.

Add the marinated meat and vegetables on top of the onions.

Add the rest of the fried onions on top of the meat and vegetables.

Step 4: Prepare the Sauce

In a bowl, mix two tablespoons of tomato paste (forty grams) with one and a half cups of water.

Pour the mixture over the meat and vegetables in the Tajine.

Step 5: Cook the Tajine

Cover the Tajine with parchment paper and aluminum foil.

Place the Tajine in a preheated oven at four hundred degrees Fahrenheit (two hundred degrees Celsius).

Bake for two hours, or until the meat is cooked and tender.

Step 6: Serve

Remove the Tajine from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes.

Serve the delicious lamb (or goat) Tajine with white rice or bread.

Pro tip: Make sure to check the Tajine occasionally while it's in the oven to ensure it doesn't dry out. Add a little more water if necessary.

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